George Washington Lodge No. 285
Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of the State of New York | Est. 1853

Join Our Lodge
Masonry Makes
Good Men Better.
For hundreds of years, the Masonic Fraternity has been guiding men up the winding stairs of life toward deeper meaning, everlasting Brotherhood, and timeless wisdom we refer to as Light.
As we say in Masonry, "Ask one to be one."
The Process
Send Us A Message
The first step is reaching out. Fill out the form below and let us know why you're interested in joining Freemasonry, and more specifically, why George Washington Lodge in particular. We're always seeking new members who are engaged, motivated, and ready to add to Masonry and themselves.
Getting to Know Each Other
Once you express your interest and we think you might be a good fit, you will be introduced to the Lodge and Fraternity through a process known as the NorthStar program. At the end of this process, you can request a formal petition to complete and submit. In addition to basic biographical questions, we will require a written paper we call the Introspective Essay to get a better idea of who you are and what brings you to Masonry.
Opening The Door
We will evaluate your petition and Essay and do a deeper dive into your background via an Investigative Committee. We will meet with you in your home, conduct a background check, and vote on your petition to be initiated. We are committed to maintaining a quality lodge and vet candidates thoroughly.